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Game master and Eventmakers rules

GM team rules:

1. GM team members are not allowed to raise player XP, level, hitpoints or talent points.

2. It is not allowed to spawn NPC on places where they are not supoused to be. This does not apply in case of "event", here is spawning allowed. After the "event" , NPC must be deleted immideatly.

3. It is not allowed to port players on their own appeal, if it is not part of resolving any problems.

4. GM team mustn’t extend to players game (For example help with questes, respawn quest NPC, …

5. GM team must help players with solving problems, and in any case, which is not contra server rules. If there are more players at same time asking for help, GM is assessable to prefer helping V.I.P. players. Solving quest problems has the lowest priority compared to other solveable problems.

6. It is not allowed to lend GM account to anyone, neither to another GM, nor any player.

7. It is not allowed to be member of guild by GM character.

8. GM team must keep their knowledge of server rules with thein actual form (There is a 7 days tolerance for learning actual rules)

9. All members of GM team are suppoused to be active on forum and are suppoused to visit it at least 3 times a week.

10. GM team members must have game character of level at least 160. This is not applyed when lower level is required for solving problems.

11. If any member of GM team is writing a System message, he is suppoused to identify himself.

12. Each member of GM team is suppoused to appear in game at least 5 hours per week. If it is not possible for any reason, he must write a note to server administrator before the absention. (Time spend in game is counted as week, Monday to Sunday.)

13. Each member of GM team is suppoused to be visible for all players.

14. It is forbiden for GM to cooperate with any competitive server (Breaking this rule is penalted by banning from GM team and banning IP address.)

Basic rules for events:

1. Event must be forthcoming here on forum in „Events“ section. Message must contain at least certain date and time of event start and set reward. For engaging event is Eventer suppoused to pick starting pay from each event member. Fee is counting by formula("player level " * 50 silver) - 5 gold. Minimal starting pay is 50 silver.

2. Event with only NPC killing point must have limited number of players, their level and time limit. In case, when player died during event, can continue in event only if he was ressurected by another player playing the event.

3. It is not allowed to reward event winner with Epic (purple), Rare (blue), Legendary (orange), Artifact (red or yellow), set or honor items. Blue (rare) item can be made as reward only in type of event Mosters vs Guild, on which can get guild subscribed on forum.

4. For event can’t be made area cash-rewarding. Everytime, it must be counted with formula which respects player level. Reward can’t be higher than 150g. (Example for formula: Reward= 1g x player level.)

5. Mosters vs Guild can run only once per week. Event players must have level at least 30 and must be members of one guild.

6. Event reward can’t contain quest-related items or V.I.P. accessable items.

7. Event don’t have to be set up to find winner at all costs.

Mosters VS Guild:

1. Must have time limit max. 20 min.

2. Max. ammount of interessed players is 30 (min 4).

3. Event members can make a bet with GM on event winner (It is not allowed to make bet on NPC): level 30..39 - max 30 gold level 40..49 - max 50 gold level 50..59 - max 80 gold level 60..70 - max 100 gold In case of bet winning, party wins double of bet which will be separated between players. If player, which was point of bet hadn’t won, bet is lost. If reward is rare item, only one player can get it. If players don’t decide another way, winner is selected as winner of duel between players who hadn’t selected event winner. Item serving as event reward must be showed on forum before the Monster vs. Guild event start.

Any rule-break can be penalted by banning from GM or eventmaker team.

Rules released at 29.5.2008
Mic-net, Saibot and Fraktik

| Autor: Marek | Vydáno dne 09. 06. 2008 | 1542 přečtení | Informační e-mailVytisknout článek

Vendetta server rules


Private World of WarCraft server club members rules

1. Follow conventions of NETIQUETTE:

Netiquette is collection of rules and conditions of decency , which should be followed in world of internet. Word NETIQUETTE is deduced from english word net (=shortcut for internet) and word etiquette.

Base rules of netiquette:

a) Don’t forget that there are people on other side, not computer. Things, that you write by computer shouldn’t be sayed to people face-to-face.

b) Follow basic rules of respectability of real life. Everything, that is unconvenient in real life is unconvenient on internet. (Mainly in case of being rude against other players)

c) Ask politely, who are you talking to. Internet is accessable to other people all over the world, and in each country, there is different moral.
Things allowed in US chat may be not allowed in Arabian, and this is applyed on all considering parties. Politics, faith and any alike problems should be dicused with maximal respect and in bounds of being polite.

d) Take care of having respect to other people. Not all of connected people have as goog internet connection as you. Some of them are connected from home and pay for it a lot. Don’t send too long messages, which may slow computer functions of other people.

e) Try to write literary. Don’t be rude, don’t publish incorrect or personal details.

f) Don’t break authorization rules.

g) Help in discussions. If someone in discusion has a problem, try to answer if you know how to solve it. Anyone can then help to you. „First listen, then write.“

h) Respect privacy of other people. If you recived message which was not meaned to be sent to you, you should delete it and send a note to author.

i) Forgive other people their mistakes. You are making some, too. Don’t laught on them and don’t be rude on them.

j) Don’t send hoaxesy. They are slowing down internet. If you recive a hoax, politely note to sender that it is not right to send these messages.

k) Don’t send spam and advertises.

2. Respect hierarchy of server powers:

Each member of GM or Admin team have power to forfeit players for aberrances by their own conscience. If you are guilty for something, you can make a protest against GM or Admin team . Protest must be written on forum to Mic-net the Administrator

3. Solving any rules colision:

Causeable colissions in Vendetta server member rules is any member suppoused to mention about them at e-mail address which he used to send on a registration form of Vendetta server membership.

In case of conflict there is following priority of rules (when lower number has higher priority than higher number):

1. Administrator Mic-net.
2. Admin team members.
3. Actually valid rules of Vendetta server members.
4. GM team members.
5. Vendetta server game rules.

4. Duties of Vendetta server members:

a) Each club member is suppoused to study Vendetta server game rules accessable on these webpages.

b) It is not allowed to advertise any other servers which are not colaborating with this server

c) In forum user profile is allowed to show only private webpages of user.

d) Keep actual and functioning e-mail address on your forum profile.

e) It is not allowed to lend your account to anyone.

5. Sanctions:

Any breaking of Vendetta server club rules
can be sanctioned by banning from club with immidiate validity. (Only club member may have game account here.)

These rules were released at 23.7.2007

Your Mic-net

| Autor: Marek | Vydáno dne 11. 07. 2007 | 9152 přečtení | Informační e-mailVytisknout článek

Game rules of Private World Of Warcraft server Vendetta

| Autor: Marek | Vydáno dne 20. 01. 2007 | 12241 přečtení | Informační e-mailVytisknout článek

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