Po dnešní (7.2.2011) o trošku delší odstávce je server opět on-line. Byla provedena rozsáhlá údržba serveru a nasazena nová revize databáze i emulátoru...
Updatepack 397, for Mangos 11064 (3.3.5a), SQL for ScriptDev2 1953. Incl ACID 3.0.8
Biggest changes:
•Added mineral pools for Outland
•Mineral pool corrections and additions for Eastern Kingdom[
•Pirate's Day event added
•Midsummer event related NPC/GO for Northrend added
•Add missing GO's in BWL and ZA
•Many spells added for spell_target/position
•Misc creature stats corrected (onyxia map, ulduar ++)
•Fixes from community like usual