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19.3.2023 proběhl OnLine sraz bývalých hráčů Private WOW serveru Vendetta

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Nasazena nová revize databáze a emulátoru.


Nasazena nová revize databáze a emulátoru.


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Zahájena resuscitace Vendetty :o)

Nasazena nová revize databáze a emulátoru.


Nasazena nová revize emulátoru.


Nasazena nová revize emulátoru.


Nasazena nová revize emulátoru.


Nasazena nová revize databáze a emulátoru.


Laws for common players private WoW server Vendetta

Ground Rules atc.

1.1.0 - Ground Rules
1.1.1 - Admin and Gamemaster (GM) are the top-level authorities on this server.
1.1.2 - Stultification of them will be penalized by level cutdown, erasing the account and/or blocking the IP.
1.1.3 - GM,,s conclusions are final and undiscussible.
1.1.4 - GM,,s conclusions can be in contrast to the rules of the game if the conclusion is to be to profit of the game.
1.1.5 - GM can change the prices and functions of all items on the server including this rules immediately just due to his/her discretion.
1.1.6 - Any request for items, money and/or level raising given to GM is forbidden and can be considered to be a violation of the rules.
1.1.7 - The account being unaccessed for 31 days in a row will be erased with no right of restoring. (There are many accounts on the server which are not accessed and thus just slow down the server - they will be erased.)
1.1.8 - Every Sunday all characters with the level lower than 5 will be erased. Game accounts and characters with a higher level (within the same account) will be preserved. (Level 5 can be reached in a very short time. Who doesn,,t reach it within a week is supposed not to wish to play.)
1.1.9 - Who reaches NPC, takes the loot. (When a group appoints someone to take the loot, it is different.)
1.1.10 - It is forbidden to spam the world channel and write any ofensive and inappropriate expressions. (Any insults to GM/developer/admin will be punished by the level cutdown. If you don,,t agree with having been punished, you can ask the person who pusnished you and the admin will judge it.)
1.1.11 Reskill is forbidden - when a player reactivates, any attacking him/her is forbidden until he/she refills HP (this takes effect only in the home area and arena. After all, it,,s war!)
1.1.12. The player can carry only the items according to his/her class. (Any violation of this rule causes the capture of the items and a fine of 11 times the level in gold. If the player doesn,,t have required sum, he/she sells his/her items.)
1.2.0 - Game bugs misuse
Game bug is any error in the game or in its settings which causes unusual behavior of the game. Such errors include economy faults and/or all methods which allow completing activities (especially skills training) in unusual way and/or faster etc. Misuse of these will be punished by the highest penalty. It is obligatory that every player announces all errors found to GM.
1.2.1 - Misuse of game bugs is forbidden as well as using any external programs which would allow using or creating the bugs.
1.2.2 - Misuse of any faults in economy of the server and errors in settings including prices of vendors is forbidden.
1.2.3 - The players are obliged to announce all errors and discrepancies to GM. 1.2.4 - Carrying 2 identical items of unique type.
1.2.5 - It is forbidden to misuse any bugs to speed up.
1.2.3 - ing of the elite creatures or cretures with a level higher than player is fobidden.
1.2.4 - No guild is allowed to have more than one guildmaster.
1.2.5 - Using quiver as a backpack is forbidden - violation of this rule causes capture of the quiver and all items in it.
1.2.6 - Tha player cannot carry items which he/she is not honored to.
1.2.7 - The player cannot leave the fight using the command .pvp2 leave.
1.3.0 - PVP
1.3.1 - Attacking players with a level lower by 15 and more than yours is forbidden.
1.3.2 - Interfractional fight is allowed without penalty.
1.3.3 - Blameful behavior (log-out during fight, provocation of the players etc.) or intentional blowing of the game regardless to violation of any rules can be punished by level cutdown.
1.4.0 - PVP arranged duel
1.4.1 - No-one is allowed to participate in someone else,,s duel if not arranged before.
1.4.2 - No complaints on losing a fight / duel are permitted due to the opponent,,s higher level - it,,s your business how and who with you arrange your duel / fight.
1.4.3 - During the arranged duel all available tools are allowed such as heal / mana potions, healing curses etc. if the players don,,t agree with something else.
1.5.0 - Verbal Rules
1.5.1 - All players are expected to behave well according to good manners, It os forbidden to insult other players. No rude expressions are allowed.
1.5.2 - All players are expected to respect the GM and admins.
1.6.0 - Rules on the Characters' names
1.6.1 - The names of the characters are not allowed to contain vulgar or other rude expressions. Confusing expressions are not allowed either such as Zombie, Skeleton, Nightmare etc.
1.6.2 - Names connected with drugs, fascism and/or other illegal subjects are forbidden.
1.7.0 - When you can contact GM:
1.7.1 - If any problems occur during the game, try re-logging or switch the game off and on again first.
1.7.2 - Try to find someone who has already solved the same problem at the World Channel.
1.7.3 - When nothing helps, only then try to contact GM thru whisper or GM channel.

Alliance Homearea means:
Dun Morogh
Elwynn Forest
Loch Modan
Stormwind City

Homearea of Hord means:
Silverpine Forest
The Barrens
Thunder Bluff
Tirisfal Glades

The Rules Také Effect on 3rd January 2007

| Autor: Mic-net | Vydáno dne 20. 01. 2007 | 6953 přečtení | Informační e-mailVytisknout článek
Zde si zdarma můžete zahrát hru World Of Warcraft i s datadiskem The Burning Crusade (TBC) či Wrath Of The Lich King (WOTLK). Server se jmenuje Private World Of Warcraft server Vendetta (Zkráceně Private WoW server Vendetta, dříve také Free World Of Warcraft server Vendetta, nebo Free WoW server Vendetta.) World Of Warcraft je skvělá online hra typu MMORPG. Proto neváhejte a přijďte si k nám zdarma zahrát tuto skvělou hru. Pokud hledáte Free WoW server (Free World Of WarCraft server), pak jste zde správně. Na našem serveru je možné hrát hru s datadiskem TBC (The Burning Crusade), či WotLK (Wrath Of The Lich King), ale není to nutností, můžete si hru užít i bez nainstalovaného datadisku a datadisk si případně aktivovat kdykoli později.
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